Alerts keep you informed about your banking, credit card and credit line activity, helping you stay connected to your money. You can easily customize your Alerts in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app so you only get the notifications you want.
To manage your Alerts in the RBC Mobile app:
- Once you’ve signed in, tap More at the bottom of the page.
- Tap Settings at the top right corner.
- Under Services, tap Manage Alerts.
- Tap on the account you want to update the Alert Settings for.
RBC Alerts keep you informed about your banking, credit card and credit line activity, helping you stay connected to your money. You can easily customize your Alerts in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app so you only get the notifications you want.
To manage your Alerts in RBC Online Banking:
- Sign in and click Profile & Account Settings on the top of the Accounts Summary page.
- On the Profile and Account Settings page, click Alerts and notifications.
- This will open a page showing your current E-mail and SMS Alert settings and the Alert Preferences in which you can make your changes or opt out.
RBC Mobile App
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