Why Get an RBC Business Vehicle Loan
Access to Special Rates
Upfit Financing
Finance Multiple Vehicles
Key Features
Support for all major business types
We offer financing solutions for incorporated businesses, partnerships and not for profit organizations, and for registered charities2Disclaimer.
Flexible payment options
Pay monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly or weekly. There’s no penalty to pay off your loan early.
Terms up to 8 years (96 months)
Create an affordable loan payment with longer amortization terms.
Competitive interest rates
Whether you’re financing one or multiple vehicles.
Vehicle financing available for newer businesses
Enjoy the flexibility of adding a co-signer for new business with limited credit and/or revenue history.
Car Loan Calculator
See how your interest rate, down payment amount and financing term could affect your loan payment.
How much would you like to borrow:
Please review and adjust your amounts for down payment, trade-in and cash incentive. Their current total is equal to or exceeds the vehicle purchase price.
Your Estimated Fixed Rate Loan Payment is:
We are experiencing temporary problems. Please try again later.
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This calculation is an estimate based on the accuracy and completeness of the data you have entered and the indicated estimated interest rate, is for illustrative and general information purposes only, and is not intended to provide specific financial or other advice, and should not be relied upon in that regard. You should speak with your professional accountant or other professional advisors before making a final decision to ensure any strategy meets your overall financial needs and that your personal circumstances have been taken into account. Your Estimated Fixed Rate Loan Payment does not include any registration or administration fees that may be applicable. Royal Bank of Canada does not make any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to any information or results in connection with the calculator. Royal Bank of Canada will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from any errors or omissions in any information or results, or any action or decision made by you in reliance on any information or results.
Tips For Buying Your Business Vehicle
Here are a few things to keep in mind when buying a vehicle for your business.
Government-Issued Photo ID
Such as your driver’s license.
Void Cheque
Please bring a void cheque for the account from which payments will be made.
Co-Signer Proof of Income
If applying for your loan with a co-signer, the co-signer may be asked to provide proof of income (their most recent pay stubs or bank statement from the last two months).
The co-signer must be an owner, officer or director of the company.
Special Financing Rates Available With These Featured Manufacturers1Disclaimer





Alfa Romeo









Special Financing Rates Available With These Featured Manufacturers1Disclaimer






Alfa Romeo









Save on Every Fill-Up
Get Up to 7¢ /L in value when you link your RBC® Card to your Petro-PointsTM2Disclaimer,3Disclaimer
Where to Get RBC Financing
How many vehicles do you need?
Get RBC Financing Where You Get Your Vehicle.*
Ask for RBC financing at a dealer near you.
*Financing at the dealership is available up to $750,000
Call Our Business Help Line
Our agents are available to help – whether your needs are simple or more complex.
Already an RBC Customer?
Contact your account manager to discuss the vehicle financing options for your business.
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Any/every/your card means an RBC Card that is linked to a Petro-Points card. A linked RBC Member means you have an RBC debit or credit card issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”) that is linked to a Petro-Points card.
The advertised value of 7 cents per litre is based on the following:
You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app in order to link your RBC Card to your Petro-Points card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. A Linked RBC Card means an RBC Card linked to a Petro-Points Account. Your Linked RBC Card acts as your Petro-Points card. You will automatically earn Petro-Points when you pay for qualifying purchases with your Linked RBC card at Petro-Canada Locations and you do not need to swipe your Petro-Points card before you pay. You can redeem your Petro-Points at Petro-Canada using your Linked RBC Card.