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Mass Request Report

Check this report to ensure that your Mass requests changes, deletions and reversals were made correctly. This report can also be used to reconcile your Client Value Date Totals Report or, for Prefunding clients, your Client Settlement Totals Report.

This mandatory report lists all mass changes, deletions, reversals or corrections made by RBC Royal Bank at your request. This report also identifies action taken on “I’ In-Excess payments or “T” level errors separately.

Note: Valid payments destined to the States and valid payments destined to Canada originating from a foreign country are included in the count and amount of a Mass Request Delete, Reversal and Change if the following conditions exist:

  • Valid payments have not been sent for “screening” or
  • Valid payments have been screened and are not cleared or
  • Valid payments are pending to be screened again (due to a name field change or a change to the due date of the payment to a future date).

Note: Payments with a “suspended” status are not included in the count and amount of a Mass Request. When these “suspended” payments are released/cleared for processing, our system checks to see if there was a Mass Delete, Mass Reversal or a Mass change (payment due date change) done on these payments. If these payments were part of a Mass Delete and Reversal, these payments will be deleted and reported on the Payment Activity Report. If these payments were part of a Mass change (payment due date change), the new due date on these payments will be reflected and reported on the Payment Activity Report.


This report is produced when a mass change, correction, deletion, or reversal has been made.

It can be picked up one day later via the online reports or data transmission. Fax service is not available for this report.

Description of Action Codes

The following codes are used to describe actions taken on a transaction:


Range of payments where the due date changed.


Range of payments deleted or a blocked file deleted.


Range of payments reversed.

Descriptions of other headings can be found in Report Heading Descriptions.

Report Content

This report provides the following information:

Transactions Changed

The number and amount of transactions changed via the mass change function.

Transactions with “T” Errors Changed

The number and amount of “T” errors changed via the mass change function.

Transactions In-Excess Changed

The number and amount of “I” In-Excess transactions changed via the mass change function.

Transactions Deleted

The number and amount of transactions deleted via the mass delete function.

Transactions with “T” Errors Deleted

The number and amount of “T” errors deleted via the mass delete function.

Transactions In-Excess Deleted

The number and amount of “I” In-Excess transactions deleted via the mass delete function.

Transactions Reversed

The number and amount of transactions reversed by the mass reverse function.

Reversal on payments requiring Currency Conversion are reported on the Mass Request Report on the same day that the reversal is done, however such payments are not processed until the next day. The following message is displayed on the report to identify those payments, “# (Number) Reversals @ (total dollar value) still to be processed will be reported the next business day”. These transactions are reported again on the next day’s Mass Request Report.

Transactions Deleted from Mass Reversals

The number and amount of transactions deleted via the mass reversal function.

Transactions with “T” Errors Deleted from Mass Reversals

The number and amount of “T” errors transactions deleted via the mass reversal function.

Transactions In-Excess deleted from Mass Reversals

The number and amount of “I” In-Excess transactions deleted via the mass reversal function.