Data File Types

Notice of Change (option H) is a separate data file; refer to the RBC Notice of Change (NOC) Data File Format and Specifications for the report, refer to the Notice of Payment Information Changes (NOC) Data File Report

You may arrange to receive data files covering several options (A-H) depending on your needs and the capability of your system:

A) All records (all inputs, returns, and reversals)

B) Returned items

C) Reversed items

D) Input records (includes valid, invalid & rejected)

E) Valid records

F) Invalid records

G) Rejected records

H) Notice of Change (separate data file)

For all other options, refer to the RBC Data File Format and Specifications for the record layout.

Options A, D or F above, include the “I” In-Excess payments as those will be added to the “Invalid Records”. Messages attached to the “I” payments are not included in the data file; however “W” warnings are.

Options A or B above, does not include “Returned Reversals”. A “Returned Reversal” is a payment that has been reversed and subsequently returned and such payments will NOT be included with the “returns” data file. Those will only be reported on the Returned Items Report- Returned Reversals.

In addition to the data file, you will receive the mandatory reports via RBC Express ACH Direct Payments & Deposits or by Data Transmission.

We suggest that you also receive a transmission of returned items to permit automatic updating of your accounts payable records. However, please remember that you must dial into the RBC Royal Bank system or go to RBC Express ACH Direct Payments and Deposits daily to receive your returned items data.


This optional file is produced whenever input files are processed or items are returned or reversed. Null files are also available. As this is a flat file, data files are not produced on paper.

Additional Files for Subsidiaries

A client with operating subsidiaries may receive:

  • A separate data transmission for each subsidiary. For example, a client with ten subsidiaries, requiring details of invalid records and returned items by data transmission, would receive a data transmission for each subsidiary covering details of both invalid records and returned items in the same file.
  • Alternatively the client may receive a combined data transmission for all subsidiaries. For example, a client with ten subsidiaries, requiring details of invalid records and returned items by data transmission would receive one data transmission, with a header, details of invalid records and returns, and trailer for each subsidiary. Each operating subsidiary is treated as a complete file, but the file is written and transmitted as one entity.
Report Heading Descriptions