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RBC Direct Investing Accounts
Rates for 22 February 2025

RBC Direct Investing GIC Rates

Investment Account Interest Rates (Non-registered)

If credit balance is:$CDN [%]$US [%]

   $100,000  and over   0.000.00
   $50,000  to  $99,999  0.000.00
   $25,000  to  $49,999  0.000.00
   $0  to  $24,999  0.000.00
If debit balance (margin) is:$CDN [%]$US [%]

   $25,000  and over   7.259.25
   $0  to  $24,999  7.259.25

Royal Circle Investment Account Interest Rates (Non-registered)

If credit balance is:$CDN [%]$US [%]

   $500,000  and over   0.000.00
   $250,000  to  $499,999  0.000.00
   $100,000  to  $249,999  0.000.00
   $50,000  to  $99,999  0.000.00
   $25,000  to  $49,999  0.000.00
   $0  to  $24,999  0.000.00
If debit balance (margin) is:$CDN [%]$US [%]

   $100,000  and over   6.508.75
   $50,000  to  $99,999  6.759.00
   $25,000  to  $49,999  6.759.00
   $0  to  $24,999  7.009.25

Self Directed RSP, TFSA and RIF Accounts (Registered)

If credit balance is:$CDN [%]

    All balances   0.00


For interest rates on debit balances carried in any account not approved to borrow against investments held in the account click here.

Interest rates are subject to change without notice at any time.

Rates shown are calculated on a per annum basis.

These interest rates are paid on the cash portion of RBC Direct Investing Investment, RSP, TFSA, LIRA, LIF, and LRIF accounts.

Both cash and securities can be held in the same account.

Investment accounts can contain Canadian and U.S. dollar balances in the same account.

Deposit interest is paid and overdraft interest is charged on the first business day after the 21st of each month.

Deposit and overdraft interest is calculated on the average daily balances in the account for the month.

No interest is paid or charged on accounts when the monthly interest amount is less than $5 per month.

Call 1-800-769-2560 for more information.

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