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Get More from Your Investments

Whether you’re building up or winding down your investments, there are several ways to grow your retirement savings, reduce taxes and make the most of your money.

Build up Your Savings or Create Income

Choose the right investments for your retirement with solutions for growth, security and cash flow:

Save with RBC Retirement Portfolios

Save for retirement in one simple decision with RBC Retirement Portfolios. By keeping your expected retirement date in mind, an RBC Retirement Portfolio can help take you to-and through-your retirement.

  • Choice of Portfolios
    Choose from seven professionally managed solutions driven by your expected retirement date.
  • Investment Decisions Made for You
    A professional money manager makes the investment decisions and monitors the markets, so you don’t have to.
  • Investment Variety
    Access a mix of investments across geography and sector, for a balanced and diversified portfolio. (The asset allocation of the portfolios is based on a unique retirement timeline.)
Explore RBC Retirement Portfolios

Invest Confidently with RBC Select Portfolios

Successful investing takes knowledge, time and patience. With RBC Select Portfolios, you can invest confidently knowing that experts are managing your portfolio for you.

  • Choice of Portfolios
    Choose from five professionally managed portfolios. Whether you need to invest conservatively or for growth, we have a portfolio to meet your needs.
  • Investment Decisions Made for You
    A professional money manager makes the investment decisions and monitors the markets, so you don’t have to.
  • Investment Variety
    Each portfolio is diversified across various asset classes, geographical regions, industries and companies to help increase your potential returns and manage market ups and downs.
  • Tax-Efficient Monthly Distributions
    There’s an option to easily transition from investing for long-term growth to drawing regular, tax-efficient cash flow.
Explore RBC Select Portfolios

Tap into Your Savings with RBC Managed Payout Solutions

If you’re ready to tap into your savings, but you’re concerned about tapping them out, consider RBC Managed Payout Solutions. They can provide the cash flow you need today, while helping to manage the impact to your capital.

  • Helps You Avoid Running Out of Money
    RBC Managed Payout Solutions focus on generating sustainable payouts and minimizing erosion for your initial investment.
  • Easy Access to Your Money
    You can easily access your money if an unexpected expense comes up.
  • Provides Tax-Efficient Payouts
    Your payouts are managed to give you higher after-tax cash flow than a typical bond or GIC.
  • Choice of Payout
    You can choose the payout level that meets your needs.

Invest in the Right Mix with Mutual Funds

Enjoy a professionally managed portfolio for an initial investment of just $500. A mutual fund is an easy way to invest in a group of stocks, bonds and other securities to achieve a balanced portfolio.

  • Investment Decisions Made for You
    A professional money manager makes the investment decisions and monitors the markets, so you don’t have to.
  • Investment Variety
    Mutual funds invest in a variety of equities, fixed income (such as bonds) and other holdings, giving you a balanced and diversified portfolio, which can reduce risk.
  • Easy to Access
    Your money is readily accessible (depending on the plan you hold the mutual funds in) because you can redeem the fund units you’ve purchased as needed.
  • Something for Everyone
    Whether you want growth, a conservative investment, or something in-between, there’s a mutual fund for you.
Explore Mutual Funds

Invest for Security with GICs

If you need a secure, conservative investment, consider a GIC, which guarantees 100% of your principal and interest when held to maturity while earning interest at a fixed or variable rate, or based on a specific formula.

  • Safe and Secure
    Invest with peace of mind knowing that your original investment is guaranteed.
  • Flexible Terms and Payment Options
    Choose from a variety of investment terms and interest payment frequencies to meet your needs.
  • Competitive Rates
    Enjoy competitive rates that are guaranteed for the full term of your investment.
Explore GICs

Crunch the Numbers

Retirement Cash Flow Calculator

Compare your income and expenses to see if you come up short.

RRSP Calculator

See how putting money regularly in an RRSP can grow your retirement savings.

RRIF Calculator

Estimate the minimum withdrawal you could receive from your RRIF.

Let’s Start the Conversation

Financial planning services and investment advice are provided by Royal Mutual Funds Inc. (RMFI). RMFI, RBC Global Asset Management Inc., Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. RMFI is licensed as a financial services firm in the province of Quebec.
The content of this publication is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific financial, investment, tax, legal, accounting or other advice for you, and should not be relied upon in that regard. All charts, illustrations, examples, case studies and other demonstrative content are general and have been provided in this publication for illustrative purposes only. The case studies included do not represent actual events or real individuals. While efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information at the time of publication, errors and omissions may occur. Readers should consult their own professional advisors when planning to implement a strategy. This will ensure that individual circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken on the latest available information. Interest rates, market conditions, tax and legal rules and other investment factors are subject to change.
You can withdraw up to $25,000 from your RRSP to buy your first home under the Home Buyers’ Plan. The funds must have been on deposit at least 90 days before you withdrew them, and a signed agreement to buy or build a qualifying home is required. At least 1/15 of the funds must be repaid each year, beginning two years after the funds were withdrawn. For details see Canada Revenue Agency Home Buyers’ Plan.
Under the Lifelong Learning Plan, you can withdraw up to $10,000 per calendar year for your own or your spouse's full–time training or post–secondary education. The total amount that can be withdrawn is $20,000 each with withdrawals over a maximum of four consecutive years. At least 10% of the amount borrowed must be repaid each year, over a maximum period of 10 years.