For Lawyers and Notaries Only |
Additional Instructions to Lawyers/Notaries
- All documents that form part of this website are in WORD or PDF format. The documents in WORD format are "READ ONLY", therefore when completing, you will be prompted to save the document using your own file name. The documents in PDF format are also in "READ ONLY" format, therefore when completing, you will have to copy the content or use a version which permits editing.
- Select Province/Territory for which mortgage documents are required.
- Once in Province/Territory, select the appropriate mortgage document (Fixed/Variable/Rate Capper).
- There are fields in the documents that require input. These fields are indicated by marginal notes or by notes within the text (usually indicated by grey font), or they may be highlighted in yellow. Carefully review the documents to ensure they are properly completed in accordance with the Specific Instructions and with the notes embedded within the documents themselves. Once you have completed the document please delete the notes in grey font as well as any other instructions that are embedded within the document. Where a section has been highlighted in yellow, please remove the yellow highlighting once you have completed the document.
- Text in 'red font' indicates portions of text that you may be required to delete. Please ensure that you retain the appropriate text and delete the inappropriate text. You should then change the font to black.
- Ensure that any affidavits or acknowledgements being attached are also completed.
- If additional lines are required for the names of the parties shown in our Specific Instructions for the particular transaction, or if additional signature lines are required, you are authorized to add such additional lines as required.
- When printing documents ensure printer has capability for letter and legal sized paper as documents, vary in paper size, and ensure that margin and print requirements, if any, are respected.
- Website documents are NOT to be modified in any way, except in accordance with specific instructions embedded within the document, special instructions contained in the Specific Instructions or in the Additional Instructions. Royal Bank of Canada/The Royal Trust Company/Royal Trust Corporation of Canada, the lender and mortgagee, will seek to recover from you all loss or damage it suffers as a result of any unauthorized modification to the documents on this website.
A note on cover pages and tables of contents:
- For most provinces and territories, the mortgage or standard charge terms (where applicable) is preceded by a cover page. The cover page does not form part of the mortgage and should not be registered in the Registry Office/Land Titles Office.
- For all provinces and territories, except Quebec and British Columbia, the mortgage will also be preceded by a table of contents (in British Columbia, the table of contents forms part of the standard mortgage terms and appears at the end of the document). The table of contents does not form part of the mortgage either and should not be registered in the Registry Office/Land Titles Office.
- Both the cover page and the table of contents are provided for your reference only, to assist you in locating the applicable mortgage or standard charge terms and the various sections within it. We leave it to your discretion whether you wish to provide the cover page and table of contents to the mortgagor. Note that once you have completed the mortgage, the pagination may no longer correspond to that shown in the table of contents and in these circumstances it is not advisable to provide it to the mortgagor.