To receive a bonus of $300.00 (“Bonus Offer”) deposited into your Personal Deposit Account you must be a resident of Canada and not have an RBC or RMFI Eligible Account at the time the Qualifying Period begins (an “Eligible Client”). Open an Eligible Account between January 2, 2025, and March 31, 2025 (“Qualifying Period”) and satisfy the Qualifying Criteria and full Terms and Conditions. To satisfy the Bonus Offer Qualifying Criteria you must do one of the following in your Eligible Account: 1) Contribute at least $25,000.00 in Eligible Products; or 2) Set-up a Pre-authorized Contribution (PAC) of $500.00 or more per month in RMFI distributed Mutual Funds with the first contribution occurring by April 30, 2025. You must Maintain the balance and PAC(s) (if the PAC was set up) for the duration of the Promotional Period. This Bonus Offer is available only once per Eligible Client, no matter how many Eligible Accounts you may open during the Qualifying Period. This Bonus Offer cannot be combined with other promotional offers applicable to any RBC or RMFI Investment Account(s) you may have. You are solely liable for any tax consequences associated with the Offer. Please consult your personal tax advisor for more information. This Offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time without notice. View full Terms and Conditions.
Royal Bank of Canada and Royal Mutual Funds Inc. New Client Winter Investment Season 2025 Bonus Offer Terms and Conditions
A. Definitions:
“Bonus Offer” as defined in Section B of these Terms & Conditions.
“Bonus Payments” means four payments of $75.00 each made within four weeks after May 31, 2025, August 31, 2025, November 30, 2025, and February 28, 2026, provided the client continues to meet the Qualifying Criteria at the time of the payment.
“Eligible Account” means the Royal Bank of Canada Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), or Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) opened by an Eligible Client during the Qualifying Period. All investments in TFSA or RRSP or RESP or RDSP account are subject to standard suitability assessments and the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Royal Mutual Funds Inc. (RMFI) account terms and conditions. If you open multiple Eligible Accounts during the Qualifying Period, all your contributions (net of withdrawals) will be added together to assess your qualification for the offer.
“Eligible Client(s)” means a personal client who:
- a. Is a resident of Canada and of the age of majority in the province or territory in which they reside as of the date the Eligible Account is opened; and
- b. is not an owner of a RBC or RMFI Eligible Account at the time the Qualifying Period begins (any previous RBC or RMFI eligible accounts that were closed prior to the start of the Qualifying Period do not impact your eligibility).
“Eligible Products” means RBC Registered Savings Deposit, RMFI distributed Mutual Funds or RBC Canadian Dollar Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GICs) with terms of 3 years or longer. If you contribute to multiple Eligible Products during the Qualifying Period, all the contributions (net of withdrawals) will be added together to assess the qualification for the Bonus Offer.
“Promotional Period” means the period starting on January 2, 2025, and ending at 3PM EST March 3, 2026. The Bonus Offer qualification will be assessed based upon the sum of all contributions net of all withdrawals completed during the Promotional Period.
“Qualifying Period” means the period starting on January 2, 2025, and ending at 3PM EST on March 31, 2025. Qualifying period is the time during which Eligible Clients need to open an Eligible Account to qualify for the Bonus Offer. The lump sum contribution and/or Pre-authorized Contribution set up, as described further in these Terms, must be completed during the qualifying period in order to qualify for this offer.
“Terms” mean these terms and conditions that govern this Bonus Offer.
“we”, “us”, “our” and “RBC Royal Bank” mean Royal Bank of Canada or Royal Mutual Funds Inc.
"you" and “your” mean the Eligible Client;
B. Bonus Offer:
Eligible Clients who open an Eligible Account during the Qualifying Period and satisfy the Qualifying Criteria (as defined below) and these Terms and Conditions will receive a bonus of $300.00 (“Bonus Offer”) deposited into their Personal Deposit Account over the Promotional Period as Bonus Payments.
C. Qualifying Criteria
To qualify to receive this Bonus Offer you must satisfy each of the following criteria:
- a. Be an Eligible Client;
- b. Open Eligible Account(s) during the Qualifying Period;
c. Complete one or both of the following in your Eligible Account during the Qualifying Period:
- Contribute at least $25,000.00 in Eligible Products; or
- Set-up a Pre-authorized Contribution (PAC) of $500.00 or more per month in RMFI distributed Mutual Funds with the first contribution occurring by April 30, 2025
d. Maintain the balance and PAC(s) (if the PAC was set up) for the duration of Promotional Period
For clarity, market driven changes in your account balance will not impact your qualification for the Bonus Offer. However, changes to your account balance due to withdrawals or PAC cancellation during the Promotional Period will be taken into account (Contributions net of withdrawals will be used) for assessing qualification for the Bonus Offer.
- e. Have an RBC Personal Deposit Account on the Bonus Payment dates to receive the Bonus Offer.
D. Limitations
- 1. This Bonus Offer is available only once per Eligible Client, no matter how many Eligible Accounts you may open during the Qualifying Period.
- 2. Contributions or PACs may be combined across Eligible Accounts to meet the Bonus Offer’s qualifying criteria. For example, an Eligible Client who contributes $15,000.00 into an RRSP and $10,000.00 into a TFSA will qualify for a Bonus Offer.
- 3. Contributions or PACs may be combined across Eligible Products to meet the Qualifying Criteria. For example, an Eligible Client who contributes $10,000.00 into RMFI distributed Mutual Funds and $5,000.00 into Registered Savings Deposit and $10,000 in a 3-year term GIC in a TFSA will qualify for a Bonus Offer as the total of all qualifying investments meets the minimum investment criteria.
- 4. For Eligible Clients with multiple Personal Deposit Accounts, the Bonus Offer will be deposited in the following priority; Accounts on which you are the Primary Account Holder will be prioritized over accounts on which you are Co-owner and the oldest Personal Deposit Account will be prioritized if you are Primary or Co-owner on multiple accounts. Primary Account Owner means the person we designate based on your instructions to be the main account owner. When it is a joint ownership Account, it is the first person listed as an owner, per our records.
- 5. Any Eligible Account that, prior to the deposit of the Bonus Offer, is closed will forfeit this Bonus Offer.
- 6. This Bonus Offer cannot be combined with other promotional offers applicable to any RBC or RMFI Investment Account(s) you may have.
- 7. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not exceed your personal deduction or contribution limits in your Eligible Accounts. Contributions in excess of your personal deduction or contribution room will be subject to a tax penalty.
- 8. We may change this Bonus Offer and/or these Terms at any time without notice. The posting of the current Terms at shall be deemed sufficient notice to you of any such changes, if required.
- 9. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the content of any document, brochure or promotional material advertising the Bonus Offer, these Terms shall prevail. You may always view the current Terms by visiting or you may call 1-800 ROYAL® 1-1 to request a current copy.
- 10. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend, disqualify, limit or revoke the Bonus Offer to any person or account holder we find or believe to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, integrity or operation of the Bonus Offer, without further explanation or advance notice to such person or account holder. By participating in the Bonus Offer, you acknowledge and agree that we will not be held liable for any direct or indirect losses, damages, or opportunity costs suffered or incurred by you or any third party as a result of us suspending, disqualifying, limiting or revoking your participation in this Bonus Offer in the event that we find or believe you to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, integrity or operation of the Bonus Offer.
- 11. If we are unable to execute the Bonus Offer as planned for any reason, including but not limited to infection of our computers/systems by virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, force majeure, pandemic, or any other cause beyond our reasonable control which corrupts, interferes with, or otherwise impacts the administration, security or proper conduct of this Bonus Offer, we reserve the right at our sole discretion to, without advance notice, terminate or suspend the Bonus Offer, in whole or in part, or modify it as we deem necessary.
- 12. You have thirty (30) days from February 28, 2026, to notify us if you believe you have completed all qualifying criteria but have not received the Bonus Offer due under these Terms. Any notice received after this date, will not be accepted even if you had completed the applicable qualifying criteria during the Qualifying Period required to earn the Bonus Offer.
- 13. If you have any other personal deposit account(s) with us, it or they must be in good standing; otherwise, we reserve the right to prohibit you from participating in, or to discontinue your participation in the Bonus Offer in our sole discretion. By participating in the Bonus Offer, you acknowledge and agree that we will not be held liable for any direct or indirect losses, damages, or opportunity costs suffered or incurred by you or any third party as a result of us prohibiting you from participation in, or discontinuing your participation in, this Bonus Offer.
- 14. There may be tax implications associated with this Bonus Offer. You will be solely responsible for any tax consequences associated with the Bonus Offer and/or the transfer of any assets into the Eligible Account(s). Please consult your personal tax advisor for more information.