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The Corporate Treasury-Caribbean works closely with the Business partners to tailor innovative and attractive solutions to our clients’ foreign exchange needs.

We provide our clients with easy, efficient and affordable access to FX spot transactions in most major and regional currencies throughout the Caribbean leveraging industry knowledge and professional experience.

This specialized team provides access to foreign exchange market information, competitive pricing and works closely with partners to ensure swift execution.

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FX Solutions Details
Purchase and Sale of FX-All major currencies Buy and sell all major foreign currencies at excellent rates. Including USD, STG, EUR, JPY, CAD, TTD, BBD, JMD, SRD, AWG & ANG and more.
Spot Transactions Lock in your rate on the day you transact your business even if you are transacting with countries in different time zones.

Ready To Get Started?

To discuss your business needs, please contact us or visit your nearest RBC Royal Bank branch.

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