Canadian Association of Family Enterprise (CAFÉ)
A non-profit organization dedicated to the well being of the family in business. Founded in 1984 by 14 entrepreneurs on the premise that family businesses share unique experiences not necessarily found in non-family businesses. |
Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators |
Canadian Association of University Business Officers |
Canadian Bankers Association
Provides small and medium-sized businesses with publications and initiatives designed to help those who own, or are considering opening, a small business. Includes a collection of data and lending statistics by the major banks; and information to help promote a healthy and effective relationship between business owners and the banking community. |
Canadian Business Service Centres
CBSCs are a collaborative effort between federal, provincial and private-sector organizations which provide information on government services, programs and regulations. A Canada Business Service Centre is located in each province and territory to offer you a combination of products and services tailored to meet your distinctive needs. |
Canadian Franchise Association
The Canadian Franchise Association (CFA) is a national trade association of franchisors including Canada's leading franchise systems, all committed to achieving excellence in franchising. |
Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE)
Provides members with resources to enhance their professional performance and ensure their continued growth and success. CSAE's Executive members represent trade associations, individual membership societies, voluntary organizations and other not-for-profit associations from across Canada. |
Canadian Tourism Exchange
If you operate a business that helps to promote tourism in Canada and your livelihood depends on the success of the tourism industry, you'll want to join the CTX today. You'll benefit from an abundance of valuable information to help you to make profitable business decisions and from opportunities to collaborate online with other members of the Canadian Tourism Industry. |
Career Edge
National youth internship program, designed to give recent graduates the opportunity to learn and develop networks while gaining practical work experience. Become a host organization and benefit from the fresh ideas of bright, talented and committed young Interns, possibly discover potential new employees, and gain recognition and satisfaction of being a company that is a leader in enhancing youth employability in Canada. |
Federation of Canadian Municipalities |
Halton Region Business Development Centre |
Profit Magazine
Magazine for Canadian Entrepreneurs. |
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board |
Young Entrepreneurs
Small Business drives Ontario's economy and benefits us all. With that in mind, the Government of Ontario has designed the Young Entrepreneur's Program to help young people develop entrepreneurial skills and build their own business - right now or in the future. They have learning opportunities, hands-on business training and mentoring, start-up financing, a useful interactive website and much more. |
YouthBusiness.com |