Published June 15, 2022 • 5 Min Read
Whether you see your grandchildren often or are grandparenting from afar, the Go-To Grandma podcast offers a half-hour of fun and facts to help keep you smiling, connected, healthy and financially fit. Tune in to hear from host Kathy Buckworth and her expert guests as they share valuable grandparenting and lifestyle tips you won’t want to miss!
Well Read
Whether you enjoy diving into memoirs, historical fiction or beach reads, this episode of Go To Grandma covers it all. First, Kathy Buckworth welcomes Rona Maynard, former editor of Chatelaine Magazine. Rona’s recent book My Mother’s Daughter is a deeply personal account of her relationship with her mother. Rona chats about how her mother – who was a harsh critic of her career and mothering style – influenced her life and how many daughters can relate to fraught relationships with their mothers.
2009 Giller Prize winner Linden MacIntyre joins next to talk about his latest book, The Wake, which is an account of a tsunami that struck Newfoundland’s Burin Peninsula in 1929. With waves three storeys high that hit the coast at 100km/hour, the tsunami killed 28 people and left hundreds more homeless and destitute. The Wake further explores the disaster’s effect on area mines and the resulting radioactivity that shortened the lives of thousands of miners over the decades to come.
At the 22:00 minute mark, don’t miss Take 5 With RBC as guest Alain Forget rejoins the show to discuss the considerations of buying U.S. property. He discusses how the laws, regulations, business practices and even terminology differ between the U.S. and Canada when it comes to real estate. He chats about how working with an expert can make for a smooth experience and introduces RBC U.S. HomePlus™ Advantage – a program that provides full service support through every step of the U.S. home buying process.

Travelling to the U.S?
We’re with you. Set up your U.S. banking and credit card before you travel to make life simpler.
New Roads
Forging new roads is the theme of this week’s Go-To Grandma podcast, as host Kathy Buckworth chats with Pattie Lovett-Reid, CTV’s former chief financial commentator who recently left the broadcast to start a new chapter in her life. Pattie chats about the lifestyle and family choices that led to her decision to leave CTV and what’s keeping her busy now that she doesn’t have to be up at 3:00am every morning. Pattie, who believes in lifelong learning, living her best life and not defining anything by age, shares a glimpse of her life today and the pursuits and passions she is thrilled to be following as a grandma.
At the 20:00 minute mark, tune in to Take 5 With RBC as Kathy welcomes RBC Bank’s Marlene Atzori back to the show. As travel from Canada to the U.S. has seen a consistent uptick in recent months, Marlene talks about what RBC Bank has to offer Canadians getting ready to embark on summer travel. She shares tips on how to ensure a smooth banking and shopping experience south of the border, how to access U.S. cash and the extended benefits of a U.S. credit card. She also reveals network of partnerships RBC Bank has built that can help save Canadian travelers money and stay on top of their healthcare needs while in the U.S.
Single, Skipping & Selling?
In this episode of Go-To Grandma, host Kathy Buckworth welcomes travel expert Claudia Laroye to talk about Skip Gen travel, which refers to skipping the middle generation (parents) as the grandparents and grandkids head out on an adventure of their own. She shares the benefits she has seen when her own sons went travelling alone with her parents and chats about her new book A Gelato A Day.
Next, Kathy welcomes author and speaker Mona Andrei who discusses the transition from being a single mother to a single grandmother. Her recent book SUPERWOMAN is a reminder to single moms that while being a parent is important, individual dreams, goals and aspirations should not be ignored.
Don’t miss the Take 5 With RBC segment at the 19:30 mark as RBC’s Andrea Metrick joins the show to talk about the findings of the annual RBC Home Ownership Poll, which dives into Canadians’ attitudes and perceptions of home ownership. She shares the shifts that are happening in a post-pandemic mindset and what the priorities, stressors and preferences are for Canadians in the market for a home today.

Science, Fact or Fiction
How can you tell what is real and what’s not? Author and Canada Research Chair Tim Caufield joins host Kathy Buckworth to discuss how the spread of misinformation has grown — and how it really took off during the pandemic. He talks about how to protect yourself from misinformation, offers questions to ask to determine if what you’re reading or hearing is “fake news” and provides advice on how to stop sharing fiction posing as fact.
Tech guru Avery Schwartz is welcomed to the show again to share today’s most common scams. From texts to emails to direct messages on social media, Avery explains that fraudsters are leveraging the latest technology in their attempts to trick unwitting Canadians. She offers three quick tips to prevent getting scammed and runs through the importance of good digital hygiene, the value of a password manager and the advances in two-factor authentication.
At the 20:58 mark, Take 5 With RBC features Alex Boulos, Vice President of Climate at RBC. Alex is responsible for RBC’s Climate Blueprint and today he shares RBC’s approach to climate action. He identifies how RBC is supporting both business and personal clients in their efforts to reduce their carbon footprints and talks about RBC’s commitment to net-zero. He takes a moment to profile Earth Rangers — a program that engages Canadian children in environmental activities.
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