Published December 13, 2023 • 2 Min Read
Kids tend to love stories of grandparent misadventures. On this episode of Go-To Grandma, host Kathy Buckworth welcomes children’s book publishers DC Canada Education Publishing to talk about their Grandma & Grandpa Adventure series of books. They discuss what the series is about, the author and illustrator behind them, and what inspired the bilingual approach to publishing the series with English and French text on each page. They also chat about how DC supports the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, donating $1 for every book sold until December 2023.
Next, Kerry Hills is a patient/advocate for scleroderma, a rare, incurable disease. Hills talks about what it’s like to live with this chronic condition and how it can be hard to diagnose. She shares how she has to plan her day, how she considers what she shares with people and the importance of raising both funds and awareness to combat this invisible disease that affects thousands of Canadians.

Elaine Blades, Senior Manager, Professional Practice Group at of RBC Royal Trust has joined the show before to talk about the importance of having powers of attorney in place. But what if you become incapacitated before you have a chance to assign the appropriate person? At the 18:42 mark, Blades joins the Take 5 With RBC segment once again, this time to talk about what happens in this case and how a court appoints a guardian. She shares advice on the legal safeguards everyone should put in place and the importance of advance planning.
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