Choosing Your Medical Specialty: Neurology [Podcast]

Published March 14, 2022 • 2 Min Read
Specialty Snapshot
Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the nervous system. Neurologists diagnose and treat nervous system disorders involving the brain, spinal cord and other nerve and muscular conditions. A large portion of neurology practice is consultative. They are also increasingly involved in rehabilitation and in the psychological and social aspects of patient care.
To become certified as an adult neurologist, it requires 5 years of approved residency training, which includes: 1 year of basic clinical training; a minimum of 1 year of Royal College-approved residency training in internal medicine (2 years are preferable); and a minimum of 3 years of Royal College-approved residency training in neurology.
Life as a Neurologist
Do you like to simply figure things out? Is intimate patient and family interaction high on your list of priorities? In this episode, host Haley Eckel talked with Dr. Penny Smyth and Dr. Nabeela Nathoo (PGY-4, Neurology) about their passion in Neurology and why they’ve chosen this growing and exciting specialty.
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Additional resource:
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada – Neurology Information
- CMA – Neurology Profile
- Canadian Neurological Society
Related stories:
- Choosing Your Medical Specialty: Geriatric Medicine
- Choosing Your Medical Specialty: Anatomical Pathology (Podcast)
Specialty Café / Café des spécialités is produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the podcast does not receive funding or other support from RBC Healthcare. This Podcast is promoted by Royal Bank of Canada with the permission of the Royal College. © The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 2022. All rights reserved.
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