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How Horizon Grains Realized Exponential Growth by Expanding to New Markets

By Royal Bank of Canada

Published November 8, 2024 • 4 Min Read

Horizon Grains Canada Limited a registered exporter of grain commodities. Based in Calgary, it works directly with Alberta and Saskatchewan farmers, buying quality grains for its base of national and international customers. While it has steadily grown its business since 2010, a recent increase in international opportunities has fueled exponential growth — its revenue has increased from $400,000 in 2018 to $5 million (and growing) in 2024.

In a recent conversation, Iftikhair Wainse, Director of Business Development and Operations at Horizon Grains, shares his company’s global journey and how RBC helped him grow his business internationally.

Entering new markets

When Wainse first had an opportunity to sell grains to a buyer overseas, he learned he needed to work with a bank to get paid for the order. He met with several banks but felt RBC truly understood his needs.

Upon connecting with a local commercial banker, Wainse began a long-standing relationship with RBC, working closely with his Trade Finance Specialist, Roshan Drahaman and the Relationship Manager.

One of the most impactful tools his RBC partners introduced him to RBC Global Connect – an online global trade resource that can help business owners identify the right countries to enter into while offering market profiles, trends, and tools.

“I believe RBC is well above the other banks in what they provide to businesses with their instruments and capabilities,” says Wainse.

Navigating the complexities of international trade

Doing business internationally comes with its share of challenges — from language barriers to cultural differences to currency exchange and foreign politics. What’s more, doing business with a partner who is far away can lead to skepticism about trustworthiness and reliability.

Drahaman’s extensive expertise in international trade has enabled Wainse to keep revenue flowing into his business. Additionally, for business owners seeking to protect payments and access working capital, trade tools such as export letters of credit can offer valuable support.

Seizing opportunities for exponential growth

Wainse has taken advantage of other capabilities offered by RBC, including Assignment of Proceeds and letter of credit discounting – tools he feels other financial institutions take too long to approve.

“Roshan [Drahaman] has a great deal of knowledge and offers a lot of support when making decisions,” says Wainse. “For example, he issued an Assignment of Proceeds which allowed us to purchase large amounts of peas.” With RBC’s help, Horizon Grains has recently expanded to China. “RBC worked with us through our transactions — without them, this opportunity would not have been possible.”

RBC has also assisted with their working capital needs so they could purchase products and travel to meet clients overseas. “I feel forming personal connections makes a big difference,” says Wainse, who shares that back from international trips empty handed — he never comes, he always returns with orders.

Both highly responsive and proactive, RBC has played a meaningful role in the growth of Horizon Grains — back in 2018, when he started as a full-time exporter, Wainse’s business grew to $400,000 – $450,000 in revenue per year. In 2023, they closed at $1.1 million, and so far in 2024, sales have reached nearly $5 million. “At the end of this year, we hope to make $10 million in sales, and we are already halfway there!”

Wainse sees a bright future for Horizon Grains, as there is considerable potential to keep expanding, and they are overwhelmed with new crop orders. Knowing that RBC will be by their side to help guide them through this influx gives Wainse the confidence to keep selling and keep growing.

Our international trade specialists can help you navigate your expansion so you can Go Global with confidence.

Learn more about how we can help you grow your business outside Canada.

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