RBC Bill Payment Collections Services

RBC’s Bill Service is a key collections management tool, which is offered within our suite of Business Cash Management Services.

This service allows businesses to be enrolled as billers on RBC’s Digital Banking Solutions. Once enrolled, the business name appears on the list of acceptable payees. RBC consumer and business customers are then able to make payments to the Biller.

Features & Benefits 

  • Gain faster access to your money and improve your cash flow _ automatic credit of funds the same day, directly to your company's RBC account.
  • Improve business processes with an accurate view of payment information and ability to reconcile your accounts receivables easily.  
  • Save time and money _ lower operating costs from servicing fewer clients wishing to pay bills in your offices, so that you may concentrate on your sales and other service efforts. Spend less time opening mail, sorting payments with cheques, making deposits at the bank etc.
  • Eliminate NSF cheque handling and associated costs _ Electronic bill payments are rejected at the source if a customer’s account does not have the necessary funds.
  • Enhances the satisfaction of your clients with RBC accounts by offering them a convenient, secure way to pay their bills 24/7.
  • Improve the efficiency of your collections management systems.
  • Increase your payment channels to your clients through RBC.

What will your company need to apply for this service?

If you are interesed in this service or would like to find out more, please contact:

  • Your Relationship Manager or
  • Our Business Electronic Sales Specialist:
    • Jameal Welcome: 345-925-2902