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What are Business Banking APIs?

Business Banking Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) connect your business accounts and systems to help your organization make digital payments, send and receive alerts, connect to accounting platforms and more—without having to sign into online banking.

Key Benefits of Business Banking APIs

  • Real-time capabilities to help optimize working capital and visibility of cash position
  • Direct data integration into existing systems, including treasury management, enterprise resource planning or accounting solutions
  • Improved straight-through payment processing rates help to minimize troubleshooting and delayed transactions
  • Less manual reconciliation for payables and receivables teams. Receive real-time acknowledgement back to your financial system.

Explore the APIs Available to You

You don’t have to choose just one.

Transactional APIs

Make payments and transfers seamless for both you and your clients. Ask us about RBC Move Money API via Interac e-Transfer, and RBC Pay API by reaching out to your RBC relationship manager.

  • Create a payment order to send money from your account to another company or person
  • Do you need to send invoice information to a supplier? If so, you can attach enriched remittance information or details of your invoice to the recipient
  • Ready to send? It’s a real-time payment so your receiving party will have the funds deposited in near real time along with any remittance information.

Informational APIs

Easily send and receive real-time notifications, status updates, balance and transaction information. Askus about RBC Balance and Transactions, Tracking and Validation APIs by reaching out to your RBC relationship manager.

  • Real-time access to account information – Gain real-time visibility of cash positions,within your enterprise or treasury management system, regarding payment, deposit settlement and acknowledgement tracked to the originating payment in a few seconds.
  • Reconciliation and Integrated Working Capital – Access a secure connection between RBC and your enterprise or treasury management system to enable automated end-to-end working capital integration. Improved visibility and efficiency to manage reconciliation activities. Integrating client accounting platforms with the B&T API will give a more complete picture of finances to help provide improved and actionable insights.
  • Tracking and More – Check the status of wire transfers or validate recipient information before sending funds to improve payment certainty and reduce fraud risk.

Integration APIs - coming soon

Connect directly with your third-party payment service provider, data aggregators and other partners.

View a Code Sample

Our APIs are designed to be very simple and easy to use. Take a look at the CURL code sample.

Send an Interac payment using our payment API is as simple as sending a POST request to our /payments endpoint with a request that looks like this:

1{ 2  "amount": 1.00, 3  "to_account": { 4    "id": "", 5    "id_type": "EMAIL_ADDRESS" 6  }, 7  "from_account": { 8    "id": "test account", 9    "id_type": "ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER" 10  }, 11  "payment_type": "INTERAC" 12}' 13 14//* The response is equally simple, a payment ID is returned to you so you can track the payment, as well as the payment status.*// 15{ 16    "payment_id": "34aefc70-a00a-451a-9c24-fe6033535129", 17    "status": "PROCESSED" 18}

See How RBC Business Banking APIs Could Work for Your Company

Get more information by speaking with your RBC relationship manager or emailing