RBC certified cheque service will no longer be available for cheques drawn on Personal accounts, and American ExpressTravellers Cheques will no longer be available for sale, as of November 1st. There are still many great alternatives to help you stay on top of your banking needs.
Alternatives to Certified Cheques:

Free Interac e-Transfer
Send money to anyone in Canada. It’s secure, fast, convenient and free for all personal chequing accounts.

International Money Transfer
Send up to $2,500 CAD abroad for just $13.501 through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app.

Alternatives to Travellers Cheques:

Debit / Credit Card Transactions
Our debit and credit cards give you worldwide access anywhere that displays the Plus+ System symbol.

Worldwide ATM Network
Make a cash worldwide withdrawal anywhere that displays the Plus+ System symbol.

Cross Border Debits
Shopping South of the Border is now just as convenient as shopping here at home!