Help Protect Your Finances by Insuring Your Credit Card Balance
BalanceProtector Max can protect your credit card balance when you need it most. Help prepare for the unexpected with this optional coverage which you can cancel at any time.
3 Ways BalanceProtector Max Can Cover You

Job Loss
Should you involuntarily lose your jobDisclaimer2 or self-employedDisclaimer2 income, your coverage can pay 25% of your total account balanceDisclaimer3 to a maximum of $6,250 each month for up to four months.
$25,000 maximum benefit

Total Disability
If you become totally disabledDisclaimer4, your coverage can pay 25% of your total account balanceDisclaimer3 to a maximum of $6,250 each month for up to four months.
$25,000 maximum benefit

If you pass away, your coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing.Disclaimer5
$25,000 maximum benefit
Job Loss
Should you involuntarily lose your jobDisclaimer2 or self-employedDisclaimer2 income, your coverage can pay 25% of your total account balanceDisclaimer3 to a maximum of $6,250 each month for up to four months.
$25,000 maximum benefit
Total Disability
If you become totally disabledDisclaimer4, your coverage can pay 25% of your total account balanceDisclaimer3 to a maximum of $6,250 each month for up to four months.
$25,000 maximum benefit
If you pass away, your coverage can make a single payment of the total amount owing.Disclaimer5
$25,000 maximum benefit
Simple Pricing Based on Your Balance
With a credit card balance $10 or higher, pay just:
$1.20 per $100*
of your account balanceDisclaimer6 on your statement date (plus applicable taxes) up to $25,000
For example: With a credit card account balanceDisclaimer6 of $500 for the statement period, pay $6 (plus applicable taxes) for coverage that month.
With a credit card balance under $10, pay:
You will not be charged a premium if you have a credit card account balanceDisclaimer6 of less than $10 on your statement date.
*At age 66, Total Disability and Job Loss coverage ends and your monthly premium will be reduced to $0.60 per $100 of your account balanceDisclaimer6 (plus applicable taxes).
To apply for optional BalanceProtector Max coverage, you must have an eligible RBC Royal Bank credit card and be:
- A resident of Canada
- 18 to 64 years of age
- The primary cardholder
- Employed or Self-Employed
Apply Now... It’s Quick and Easy
Sign in to RBC Online Banking to apply today. You can cancel at any time.Disclaimer7
You can apply at any time, including at the time you apply for or activate your RBC Royal Bank credit card online, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements. If you would like to apply for BalanceProtector Max at a later date, you can do that by signing into your Online Banking or by calling 1-800-769-2512.
The date your coverage starts will be shown on your confirmation of enrolment letter that accompanies the Certificate of Insurance that will be delivered to you after you enrol.
Your monthly premium will appear on your credit card statement as a separate line item entitled “BalanceProtector Premium”.
If you have been approved for a job loss or total disability claim, insurance premiums will continue to be charged. However, a premium refund will be applied to your account with your monthly benefits. If you continue to use your account during the claim period, you will be responsible for paying the insurance premium on any new charges.
Your insurance coverage will end on the earliest of the following dates:
- the date the policy is terminated
- the date insurance termination is processed based on you reaching the age of 80 for life coverage
- your total disability and job loss coverage ends on the date your monthly premium rate is reduced once you turn 66
- the date you die
- the date that RBC Royal Bank cancels your credit card
- the date that your request to cancel your insurance coverage is processed.
If your RBC Royal Bank credit card is replaced with another RBC Royal Bank credit card eligible for BalanceProtector Max, the insurance coverage will be automatically transferred to your new newly issued RBC Royal Bank credit card and your original effective date will continue to apply.
For complete details, terms and conditions, see a sample Certificate of Insurance opens PDF in new window or the Summary and Fact Sheet opens PDF in new window for residents of Quebec.
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(1) Employment due to involuntary layoff, strike or lockout, or dismissal without cause, and you have been employed immediately prior to the date of job loss and remain unemployed for at least 30 consecutive days; or
(2) Self-Employment due to:
a) permanent closure of your business for financial reasons or
b) temporary closure of your business as your business falls within a category under a Provincial or Federal Government mandatory closure order, and you have been Self-Employed immediately prior to the date of Job Loss, and remain unemployed for at least 30 consecutive days.
Employed and Employment means Actively Working for salary or wages for at least 16 hours per week [for one or more Employer(s)].
If Your Employment is for more than one Employer, you must experience the involuntary loss of:
(1) one job where you were Actively Working at least 16 hours per week; or
(2) multiple jobs where you were Actively Working in a combined total of at least 16 hours
Employer means the person or entity by which you are employed and does not include you or any person or entity controlled by you.
Self-Employed and Self-Employment means Actively Working for at least 16 hours per week in gainful self-employment for your own active company, business, sole proprietorship, profession, partnership or any entity in which you hold assets as an owner that is registered or incorporated for at least 6 consecutive months.
Actively Working means carrying out your regular duties and does not include any leave of absence such as parental, maternity, paternity, compassionate or sick leave.
No benefit will be paid for a Job Loss due to or resulting from:
- normal seasonal unemployment;
- expiration of a fixed-term contract of employment at the end of its term; or
- loss of Self-Employment for any reason within 6 months of the effective date of coverage.
No benefit will be paid for death resulting from suicide within 6 months of the effective date of coverage.
If you’re an existing BalanceProtector client and have questions or need to make a claim, please contact the insurer at 1-888-896-2766.
How to Apply Online
1. Sign in to RBC Online Banking.
2. Review the application information.
3. Follow the steps outlined to apply.