Contactless Payment Acceptance

RBC Merchant Services provides secure contactless payment acceptance which allows your business to accept contactless-enabled payment cards.

Contactless-enabled payment cards and point-of-sale devices carry this mark indicating the presence of a built-in Near Field Communication (NFC) antenna which allows the payment card to communicate with the point-of-sale device to complete the payment transaction.

Fast, simple, secure and convenient…

Contactless payment transactions operate the same as other transactions at the point-of-sale device with the difference being that your customer will simply Tap to Pay for their purchase instead of inserting or swiping the payment card.

Once you have entered the purchase information on the point-of-sale device, you will pass the device to your customer.

  • The cardholder Taps the payment card to the device
  • The device will light up and beep indicating the transaction is processing
  • The transaction will either be approved, declined or…
    • If the transaction is above the contactless limit, the device will show a message indicating the customer should insert their card to complete the transaction
  • As with all transactions, the payment card should always remain with the customer

There are many benefits to contactless payment acceptance:

  • Fast, simple, secure and convenient way to pay
  • Efficiently reduce the wait times for your customers
  • Excellent way to pay for small-ticket items

Ideal for businesses where check-out speed is important e.g. Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Fast Food Restaurants, Gas Stations and many more…

To sign up for RBC Merchant Services today, please contact our team or visit your nearest RBC Royal Bank Branch.